Sunday, December 20, 2009


Each day, I wonder what I was created for. I mean, what exactly as far as physically? Spiritually, we were made to love and serve God and also partake in His kingdom building. Physically, how do we do that? How do we physically serve Him and partake in His instructions for us to spread the Good News of Jesus? Simply, how do we reconcile our being to further His glory? I think we can answer that by the lives we live. Specifically, the daily work we are engaged in, whether in the house or outside of it (this is just one of many facets).

Where are you in your life right now? Are you doing something that you're not only passionate about, but darn good at it? Are you serving others at the same time? I firmly believe that each one of us possesses a talent and ability that we are uniquely blessed with and that God takes joy in seeing His children live out that talent/ability in our daily lives (sure, getting paid for it is a bonus!). Have you ever said to yourself, "Wow, I wish I could do that!" There is nothing like seeing someone sing and know that God made that person with that amazing ability that I can only dream of having!

I have seen so many people who are great at that one or two things that they know is their gift, but are too afraid to live out that gift and have that joy that comes along with doing what God created them to do because the risks that may follow from pursuing that gift. It is truly disheartening. I don't think He ever meant for us to have careers or activities that we don't have a passion for. This message isn't to belittle those who are working in fields that are not necessarily of their interests. Instead, this is to encourage you to seek God for wisdom about yourself-what your purpose is, what you're good at, not so good at, where does He want you to be, what does He want you to be doing. Take a chance. No, take it to heart. He only created us, He would know. . .

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