Thursday, June 4, 2009

Not Knowing "When"

First off, I just want to let you know that there are so many reasons why I appreciate our friendship. I think one of the top reasons is your honesty. I've always been drawn in by people who are willing to put it out there even if it dangles out there awkwardly and uncomfortably. With you, I know I'm getting the truth. I don't think there has ever been a time in our friendship when I've doubted your sincerity. To me, that is a treasure. So thank you.

About your comments on the boy whose parents (I think mom, mostly) were refusing treatment for him, I'm grateful how you worded your response. I especially liked the part about how we try to go around God's sovereignty.

This is a hot topic for me because, as you know my father has lung cancer and is refusing any medical help from this point on. I grapple with his decision, but am in full understanding I cannot control him and am not entirely sure what I would do if I were in his situation. I am trying to come at the whole thing from a non-judgmental viewpoint, expressing God's love through the whole thing. I won't lie though, it's hard. Not expressing God's love, that for me isn't hard. It's hard to watch someone die. It's hard to not know "when".

I think what I'm learning most in this circumstance is that none of us ever know "when". There's a verse that says something like that. It's pure truth. With that knowledge I just want to make every day count. I want my life to mean something for him and his glory. Surrendering control and my "need to know" things is all part of learning to glorify him.

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