Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Most Inspirational

I would have to say that there are no coincidences in life. The people that are placed in our paths whether they be family, friends or strangers, are there for a reason (though it may not necessarily be a positive one all the time). Life is going to happen regardless of our circumstance and it has been such a relief to know that there is always something to learn from each experience. Granted, there are several times where I find myself wondering what the heck is happening when chaos and drama are present (ugh!), but then I think about what God is trying to teach me through these times.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Okay, here's another inspirational saying to chew on ---God is more interested in our character than our comfort--yes, I know, I cringe too when I am reminded of this. Who doesn't like comfort or being comfortable? I have found lately that if I am comfortable, I'd better not get too comfortable. I mean I don't want to be complacent in my life. Secure, yes, but not complacent. How can we grow if we don't move forward with Him inspite of the obstacles we face? Remember, life is life and it's just going to continue on with or without our permission.

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