Monday, July 6, 2009

The Rib Bone’s Connected to the…

Have you heard of the bone theory? You know, the one that refers to elements of spirituality being either spine issues or rib issues? The spine issues hinge upon the truth and whether or not someone has received salvation and the rib issues are every other superfluous thing.

Beth Moore gives examples of both in her Bible study, Stepping Up: a journey through the Psalms of Ascent.

Rib Issues:
Spiritual gifts
Stands on end times
Styles of worship
About rib issues, Beth writes, rib issues “are not matters of life and death.”

Spine Issues:
Jesus is the only way, truth, and life, and no one gets to God any other way
Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God
Christ’s bodily resurrection
Beth writes, “Spine issues comprise the backbone of our faith.

I’ve used this analogy many times to weigh whether or not something was worth poking a stick at. What do you think about rib and spine issues and at times are there clavicles, skull or other bones that could easily represent tenets of faith?

*photo by flickr

1 comment:

  1. I often talk about the differences between "shibboleth" issues and non-shibboleth issues. But I like this analogy a lot. It's much simpler than having to explain what a shibboleth is!
