Friday, March 13, 2009

Fly Away Time

When I was younger, time could not go any slower, but now I don't even know how time slips past me each day. My days are filled with "momma" here, "momma, can I have a snack?", making meals, picking up around the house, having personal time, etc. I would not trade it for anything although I just wish there was more time in a day. Often, I am racing with time trying to capture the last few moments before the children go to bed so that I can squeeze in more quality time knowing that when their eyes close, that's it for childhood memories today and that new ones are just around the corner in the morning when they awake. I know they say that time does go by quicker as you get older, but they didn't say it would go by at lightning speed. If time is really flying by as quickly as it is, I guess we should be trying to make the most of the time we are given. Time for what? Hmmm..... it would be most gratifying for me if I can look back on my day and say that I lived it with laughs, much love, compassion, integrity and with God.

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