Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What's love got to do with it?

What makes a woman stay with a guy that hits her? I'm not shocked (though saddened)at the news that Rihanna would continue a relationship with Chris Brown despite his "outburst". It's unfortunate that many females would rather stay in an abusive (physical, emotional, etc.) relationship than be on their own. As I read the report that Rihanna submitted of the events that transpired between her and Brown that evening, I couldn't believe the anger that Brown displayed. It felt like I was watching a Lifetime script of an abusive lover who just found out that his partner just talked to the male postman! Brown not only hit her once, but he bit her and repeatedly punched her and threatened her as well. Ugh. Why? What's even worse if that we (females) try to even justify and make sense of the violence as if we had any control over it. Ladies, we don't. What do you think? Do you think the abuser is the sole problem in an abusive relationship?

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