Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's the motto with you?

I love the way your children think. I am blessed to have both you and each of them in my life. I'll want to know what becomes of that discussion and idea to send Bibles.

Meanwhile, I want to share a Latin motto that I got out of one of Beth Moore's studies.

Nisi Dominus Frusta.
In Latin this says, 'Without the Lord, Frustration.'
Beth explains how this is the motto of the city of Edinburgh Scotland, "appearing on its crest and affixed to the city's official documents."
I know in America we have, 'In God We Trust' on our money and several other mottos impressed into our culture. It got me thinking if I had a motto what would it be. What would my own personal motto be? A pastor from our church in Kentucky asked something similar. He said, "Paul said to live is Christ. To die is gain...What would your vision statement be?"
At the time I came up with something like, 'To live a passionate life of compassion.' Think I'm going to stick with it.
What's the motto with you?
(p.s. had some spacing issues in this blog that drove me dang near batty :)

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to think about my motto. For me, I think it changes with the seasons that God brings me through. Each one seems to have a different focus, but the same result, Him.
