Sunday, March 15, 2009

Childhood Memories

That's it for childhood memories today. Something about that phrase really hit me. Quite honestly, it convicted me. Am I setting up each day in order for my children to have the best memories possible?

I used to believe all the best memories stemmed from the holidays, so I'd often wait for something monumental to happen on those days. I mistakenly believed that holidays counted most as far as memories were concerned and because of that I put some sort of weird pressure on those occasions...pressure for all to go smoothly. I believed my memories from Halloween, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, etc. wouldn't fade, that they couldn't fade, as if they were innocuous from change and time.

And a funny thing began to happen as each year turned into a new year. I remembered some things from holidays, but found that most of my rich and beautiful memories were from the simple moments, like skating on the pond with my sisters. I still remember how cold my feet would get and how poorly I skated. But I also remember how close I felt to them then. I remember thinking we were all part of something bigger than ourselves. I can't say that any one memory from a holiday conjures those same sentiments.

So, yes...I agree...time escapes me too readily as well. I also think we are making memories in the simple things, don't you? When I was little I used to love watching my mom iron. We had good talks then, but even more so I was learning how she loved my dad...Today, I hate ironing and every time I pick up the iron (which isn't all that often) I think of how my mom slid the iron back and forth over my dad's starched dress shirts. I think of her talking to me while doing something concrete to show her love.

That's what I remember.

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